Our Services


Applying for the Gründungszuschuss

You want to apply for the Gründungszuschuss, please get in touch. We are registered at the Arbeitsagentur so you might get a voucher for our consulting, wich is free with the voucher. Together we will develop your business idea, support you to write a buinessplan and financetable. Fill out the forms for the Gründungszuschuss. Find out what your next steps are to reach your goals. Book one hour skypecall to find out more. Please let us know, what days and timeslots a possibel for you.


120,00 €

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.

First Steps Founding in Berlin - 1 hour

 Learn how to start your Business in Berlin

Which steps are needed? What subsidies or loans are available?

Your idea may be great, but how do you grow and develop your idea? Think about every aspect of your business?

Answer every question a stranger might ask you - e.g. describe your product / service what problems etc.

What is your target market for your product / service? What could go wrong?

Filling the out the forms for the Gründungzuschuss

Book your 1-hour online session. Here you’ll receive feedback on your ideas and suggestions regarding
the best next steps for you to grow and become successful.

120,00 €

First Steps Founding in Berlin - 3 hours

 Learn how to start your Business in Berlin

Which steps are needed? What subsidies or loans are available?

Your idea may be great but how do you grow and develop your idea? Think about every aspect of your business?

Answer every question a stranger might ask you - e.g. describe your product / service what problems etc.

What is your target market for your product / service? What could go wrong?

Filling the out the forms for the Gründungzuschuss

This will be a 3 hour online session. Here you’ll receive feedback on your ideas and suggestions regarding
the best next steps for you to grow and become successful.

416,50 €

Start to Grow

Here you'll get a feedback for your ideas as well as the chance to find out what should be the next right steps for you, in order to reach your milestones and become succesfull - Book your 3 hour skype coaching.


654,50 €

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